The color of food, along with its shape, texture, smell, sound…yeah, the sound, and its look impacts the health of your mind and your body. We are familiar with the role that food and our digestive system plays in our lives. When ingested, food is broken down in the digestive system so the nutrients and phytonutrients can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. While this is going on there is also an energetic digestion, absorption and assimilation taking place too. Energetic digestion takes place in your chakras and your ethereal body. We’ll get to the definition of a chakra in just a moment.
You maybe asking what are chakras and what do they have to do with the food you eat and staying healthy. That is a really good question. The long answer is everything. The short answer is everything too! When people say that we eat with our eyes, that is true. Presentation is key. But it’s also true that we eat with smell, sound, touch and taste too. All the above mentioned play a monumental role in our relationship with food. However, food goes beyond the five senses.
All things in nature, including but not limited to humans, animals, plants, rocks, water and the elements are all vibrating, oscillating, resonating electromagnetic atoms. The rate of speed that something vibrates at will denote its density. For instance, ice has a slower vibration than water. Water has a slower vibration than steam. And a vapor has a higher vibration than steam, water and ice. As we delve into food, the color, shape, aroma, sound, even its spirituality this information can help lead to greater understanding of self and how to feed self.
The Energetic Human Body
The human body is a vibrating electric energetic system made up of the physical body and the nonphysical or ethereal body. There are a number of energy fields within this system, which surround and emanate from the physical body. These fields of energy create bands that are molded to take on a somewhat exaggerated form of the physical body. They are known as the subtle bodies and get bigger and wider with every band. When someone comes into your personal space, and they are across the room from you, they haven’t touched you physically, yet, you feel crowded or threatened by them. How can this happen? This is because they have touched your electromagnetic field or subtle body and as a result you are reading information about them that you don’t like. Conversely, you have your back to the door and someone can walk through it, and you turn because you know that your soulmate has just entered the building.
These bands of subtle energy emanating from the physical body are as follows, but not limited to light, colors, electrical, thermal heat, magnetic and sound. These energetic fields, when combined create what is known as the human aura. It’s important to note that food has an aura too. It also has bands of subtle energy emitting from it.
Aura: a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing or the vital life force or unique essence that radiates from living things.
When I speak of energy fields and or subtle bodies from this point on, unless I state otherwise, I will be referring to the aura.
What Role Do Chakras Play In Our Lives?
There seven main chakras located along the spine that correspond with certain areas within the body. There overall function is to promote and maintain the health and well-being of the body physically and psychologically. When all seven chakras are in balance, the energy within them is neither overactive nor underactive, and so we will enjoy good health and a strong sense of wellbeing. However, if any of the chakras are out of its normal alignment, this can develop into mental and emotional disorders and or physical discomfort, pain and disease.
Chakras link the physical energy within the body to the subtle bodies also known as the aura. Their function is to bring in new energy, remove old energy, restore and maintain balance. Chakras are not physical to the naked eye, yet they can be physically felt. It’s like the wind can’t be seen by the naked eye, yet it can be felt. It’s the same thing with chakras. They are color coded, cone shaped, spinning energetic vortices that connect to the physical body through the spinal system and endocrine or glandular system.
The spinal column houses specific distribution points for the chakras. These points ensure distribution of energy to the entire body, specific organs, functions and systems. This isn’t limited to just the physical body, but also incorporates the mental and emotional aspects as well. The chakras are also mediators of outgoing energy. Each chakra resonates and responds to a specific sound (including musical notes and the spoken word); frequency as in Hz; color, hues and tones, shapes and aromas. Each chakra is fed and sustained by the food we choose to eat and the thoughts we choose to think. Oh yes, you digest your thoughts too!

There are seven major chakras that are found running from the base of the spine culminating in the crown. There are hundreds of minor chakras all over the body designed to oversee and regulate the input and output of energy, chi or prana. If you have ever had acupuncture, reflexology, acupressure or shiatsu, the practitioner used both minor and major chakras to support your body in reestablishing balance. Also, food its color, shape, texture, sound and aroma also help to reestablish a chakra that is out of alignment.
The Color of Food
The vibrant hues, tones and colors of food, along with textures, aromas, tastes and sounds are more than just natures way of stimulating the brain to say, yes, we must eat that. All the above mentioned, let us know when food is ripe and ready to harvest and when it’s safe to eat, or poses a danger to us if eaten.
Food as designed by nature is already color coded and fits seamlessly with the color code of the chakra system. And this is what we will be exploring in the weeks to come. The color of food and the direct action it can have on the corresponding chakra. We’ll also look at the personality and spirituality of food, as seen through the lens of color and the chakras.
So, to recap your chakras are color coded mediators and transmitters of all energies associated with your mind and body staying healthy and maintaining homeostasis. Their function is to assist the body and the mind in achieving and maintaining perfect balance. In short, good mental/emotional, physical and spiritual health. Food is naturally color coded has been designed to support the health of the charkas.
In the coming blogs, vlogs and podcasts, we’ll explore how eating foods with naturally occurring colors can positively impact your mind and body. I’ll also share recipes to support you in eating your rainbow.
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