Food Beyond Its Nutrition

Does food really impact your ability to manifest what you want in life? Yes, it does. I will be sharing my knowledge with you on how to create wonderful raw, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian and flexitarian recipes.  All are designed to energetically support you in successfully using the Laws of Attraction to consciously manifest what you want for your life. And to support and maintain the health and integrity of your chakras and your body’s natural energy systems.

Food Beyond Its Nutrition came into being as a result of a question that simply asked, “does food really impact your ability to manifest what you want in life?” Wow!  That’s deep.  Professionally and personally, I can attest to the fact that food impacts your ability to consciously manifest what you want for your life…and not just a healthy, slim and trim body.  Food goes way beyond its nutritional value. For a moment, consider the value or the role that food plays in your life.  A role that has been relegated to some chemistry lab whipping up imitation chemicals, to taste like the real McCoy.  For me that’s a tad disconcerting.  Actually no!  It’s downright scary, when the reality is, you are what you eat!

Your life is built on the choices that you make, this extends to the food that you choose to consume.  So, to that end, I have created a series of cooking tutorials based on the colors, shapes, textures, tastes, vibrations and sounds that correspond to the foods that we eat.   Did you know that there is a spirituality to food?  That includes all types of food that we consume from meat to lettuce and everything in between.  Amazingly, this knowledge, this self-help knowledge has been omitted from our education on what to eat and how to care for self.

I am excited about sharing my knowledge with you on how to create delicious, life changing and soul supporting vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian and flexitarian recipes.  Each recipe has been designed to energetically support you in successfully using the Laws of Attraction to consciously manifest or attract what you want for your life.  Whether you are seeking wealth, health, love, fortune, fame, peace, truth or success etc., eating the right foods “for you” will assist you in your process of getting it.   In addition, it will support and maintain the health and integrity of your body’s natural energy systems.

I truly want you to understand that this series goes way beyond how to cook healthy foods as designated by current nutritional factors, which include, but are not limited to the DRA of proteins, fibers, carbohydrates and fat content for your health.  I’m taking you way beyond that.  I’m taking you to the next level.  I’m taking you beyond the nutritional factors of food.  Strap yourself in, cause here we go!

You’ll explore how the shape, texture, season, color, sound and aroma of the foods you eat influences your personal energy centers and your ability to make choices.  You will get a look at the spirituality and in some cases the personality of food, and a basic understanding of how this can support you in your spiritual journey through life.

According to the USDA we spend approximately 80 minutes eating daily.  Other studies on you and your eating habits suggest you spend approximately 44 minutes thinking about food and or what you are going to eat next.  According to the Daily Mail, in your life time you will spend approximately six years eating and thinking about food.   While 1 hour and 20 minutes spent on consuming food seems somewhat reasonable to me, 44 minutes thinking about food does not.  I believe people think about food a lot more than a mere 44 minutes during a day.  I know that I do. But then again, for me, food isn’t just about satiation or feeding my sugar high.  It’s about the balance that it can bring into my life and that of my mind, body and spiritual connection.

As a culture we are inundated with food advertisements. Street signage, digital bill boards, at the movies, on the radio, TV, podcasts, bust stops, the internet, shopping malls and by word of mouth.  These advertisements are designed to let you know that you don’t have to slow down, you just have to find the nearest drive through.    You see, from the healthiest to the downright toxic morsels, we are being psychologically manipulated to want more, to buy more and to eat more and yet, we are nutritionally and psychologically starved, and dying from chronic diseases and disorders.  Diseases and disorders that have their origins in your chosen dietary lifestyle.  Wait! Hold on a minute, before you roll your eyes to the back of your skull to see what’s going on behind you, I am not advocating that you become anything other than a greater version of what you already are.  In regard to what you eat, I’m all about inclusion, not forced exclusion.

What I want you to do is to start thinking about your relationship with food and what the food you are currently eating really means to you.  When put in the correct context, I want you to answer this question, “what can food do for you?”  At the end of the day whether rich or destitute, happy or sad, healthy or unhealthy, without food, you die; it’s as simple as that.  Without the nutrition food gives to you, you die slowly.  Without understanding the power food has to impact your world and what you are bringing into it, you wither spiritually.

So, I’ll leave you with this thought.  Consuming food is literally keeping you alive. To that end, I believe that food deserves more than a fleeting thought that takes a mere 44 minutes of your day, or a rolling stop through the nearest drive through.  The food you eat is supporting you in manifesting your dreams.  It deserves more respect.  And, the fact that it is keeping you alive and healthy, food is deserving of your loyalty and gratitude too.

“What are you wanting from food?”   While you are ponding that question take a look at
Beyond Food Facts
