Violet: Third Eye Chakra: I See Ajna

The third eye chakra, a.k.a Ajna in sanskrit, is the sixth of the seven major chakras that run along the spine.  It is located between the eyebrows, just above the bridge of the nose.  The third eye chakra governs the pineal gland and is associated with the pituitary gland too.  It also oversees the ear, nose and nervous system, which runs the endocrine system, and the occipital lobe that governs our physical and inner vision.

Violet/Purple:  Third Eye Chakra: Awareness:  I see
Third Eye chakra:    Awareness
Organ:                    Pineal gland
Color:                     Violet/purple           
Element:                 Light
Tone:                      E
Affirm:                    I see

The third eye is aligned with the color violet and has two functions; the ability to see things externally to you and the ability to see things internally…within the mind’s eye.  It governs our perception of things.  And, it creates a strong balance by bringing awareness between your inner world and outer world.

When in balance, we can see things as they really are, not as we think they should be.  And, we can also see the unmanifested within our imagination.  We are able to differentiate between lies and truth and maintain objectivity.  Our intuition is heightened and we are able to receive insightful wisdom, and accurate guidance that supports us in making choices.

When imbalanced we ignore our intuition and insights, lack clarity and wisdom, make unrealistic choices, fail to see the bigger picture or what is actually going on, see things only one way.  We lack focus, vision and faith.  The imbalance can cause anxiety, paranoia, depression, unreasonable beliefs and behaviors. It can cause vision problems, confusion, debilitating headaches, blood pressure issues and sinus problems.

Consuming raw and cooked foods that are violet, whether the flesh, pulp or skin they all can support you in reclaiming your sense of awareness.  violet colored foods can also create a sense of clarity, connectedness and objectivity.

One of the reasons why we crave certain foods and or always choose the plumpest violet grape, or purple cauliflower is because instinctively, we are wanting to restore will power, peace and purpose.

You may have found yourself craving and eating eggplant, or wanting to have purple asparagus with every meal. Well, your subconscious self was doing what it does best. It put your conscious self on notice that you need to eat certain colored foods to support the healing and balancing of your mind and body.

  • Eggplant
  • Beans
  • Rice
  • Cabbage
  • Berries
  • Onions
  • Plums
  • Peppers
  • Cauliflower
  • Figs

The power of this color invokes the energy of vision. This chakra and the color violet resonate with the words “I see.”  In order for you to be able to manifest anything in your life, both good or bad, you must be able to see it at a soul level.

The next in line magenta
