The Sacral chakra, a.k.a Svadhisthana in sanskrit, is the second of the seven major chakras that runs along the spine, and governs our creativity, personal ownership, connection to self and others. It’s where our inspiration evolves from and contributes to creating healthy and balanced relationships with others and within ourselves. When the sacral chakra is balanced, we feel inspired, flexible, and in touch with our sexuality. This energy vortex is instrumental in the detoxification of our mind and body.
Sacral Chakra: Creativity
Organ: Reproductive organs
Shape: Round
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Tone: A
Affirm: I feel
The sacral chakra is aligned with the color orange. This can be from the palest orange to the deepest burnt orange that looks brown. When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, we feel a huge lack of creativity and personal ownership. We lack inspiration, inflexibility, and are out of touch with our sexuality we feel disconnected with self and other.
Consuming raw and cooked foods that have the color orange, whether the flesh, pulp or skin can support you in reclaiming your balance. Orange colored foods can also positively impact the detoxification of the mind and body.
One of the reasons why we crave certain foods and or always choose the orange colored M&M or smarties is because instinctively we are wanting to restore balance. You may have found yourself craving and eating carrots, or drinking copious amounts of orange juice or wanting to have orange bell peppers with every meal. Well, your subconscious self was doing what it does best. It put your conscious self on notice that you need to eat certain colored foods to support the healing and balancing of your mind and body.

List of some orange colored foods
- Carrots
- Squash
- Mangoes
- Apricots
- Oranges/citrus
- Cantaloupe
- Potatoes
- Pepper
- Papaya
- Peaches
- Tomatoes
- Beets
- Spices
The power of this color invokes the energy of feeling. This chakra and the color orange resonate with the words “I feel.” In order for you to be able to manifest anything in your life, both good or bad, you must be able to feel it at a soul level.
The next chakra is yellow
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