Understanding Food

It’s important to come to an understanding that food is so much more than you think it is. Yes, food keeps you alive or breathing. Yet it does much more than that. Food has the ability to support your conscious awareness of your connection with the Divine or your chosen deity. Food has the ability to influence your mood. Food has the ability to bring mental clarity. Food quickens the healing process. Anything that you require to support you in living the best life that you can, food has been designed to support you in doing that.

How is this possible? The shape, color, density, sound, aroma, element and purpose of all foods that we eat, irrespective of cultural norms, makes it possible. Because food is such an integral part of our lives, we have a tendency to take it for granted that it will always be available and will always keep body and soul together. The irony is, body and soul will be kept together. The question to ask is what state will it be in. Will it be healthy, radiant, vibrant and filled with vital energy?

The color of food plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy mind and body. And I’m not just speaking of fruits, grains, legumes and vegetables. I’m also speaking of seafood, poultry, meat and their by-products. Food and the bodies chakras have an unbreakable symbiotic relationship.

“Your chakras are color coded mediators and transmitters of all energies associated with your mind and body staying healthy and maintaining homeostasis.  Their function is to assist the body and the mind in achieving and maintaining perfect balance.  In short, good mental/emotional, physical and spiritual health. ”

The shape of certain foods look like body parts. The garden herb thyme looks like the lymphatic system and a cross section of a strawberry looks like the internal structure of teeth. A sweet potato resembles the pancreas. Grapes look like the lungs and ginseng the entire human body. Ironically, each herb, fruit or vegetable listed has been scientifically said to have chemical constituents that boost and restore there body look alike. Amazing right!?

Well, may be not. I believe that food is medicine and goes way beyond that and its nutritional value. There is a sacredness to food that is made up of its shape, color, density, sound, aroma, element and purpose. These aspects individually and collectively create a harmonic vibration or resonance. Let’s look at a blue berry. By Divine natural design, it has its very own unique resonance, frequency or vibration. When you ingest the blue berry has an affinity with the throat and the throat chakra, which is primarily governed by the color blue. It will connect with that frequency. It will organize itself within that frequency to do what needs to be done. Boost, healing, repairing, and cleansing cells anything that the cell needs done to support health. From an emotional stand point, it supports expression. True and authentic expression.

All food plays a duel role in our lives. It’s function is simple; to nourish the body and nourish our spiritual connection with the divine. The most basic and intrinsic way in which we do this is by eating colorful foods. When we eat the rainbow the body, the mind and spirit are revitalized.

No matter where you are in the world, you have everything you need to support you in maintaining optimal health. All you have to do is choose it! This is what “Food Beyond Its Nutrition” is dedicated to. Bringing to you the awareness of the powerful role food plays in our lives. And it goes way beyond, vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbs, fats etc. and keeping body and soul united.

Understanding food and your relationship with it also means knowing what your personal taste profile is. And then what that means to you and how you prepare your food. Using vegetables overtly, and yet, covertly, so you eat them, means exploring ways that make foods uniquely palatable for you. You may hate raw spinach, but if it is in a cheese and white wine sauce, with chopped red chilies, you can’t get enough of it. Once again, “Food Beyond Its Nutrition” is about you, you, all about you and your relationship and building new relationships with food.

Now, lets take a look a the important role color plays in our lives…
