The throat chakra, a.k.a Vishuddha in sanskrit, is the fifth of the seven major chakras that run along the spine. Its located at the throat and governs the mouth, tongue, teeth, jaw, neck, throat, larynx or voice box, pharynx. The throat chakra governs the thyroid gland. The main function of the thyroid is to maintain our metabolic rate. The throat chakra enables our ability to speak our truth and to create our truth. It is our source of oral communication, authentic self-expression, and creativity.
Blue: Throat Chakra: Expression: I Speak
Throat chakra: expression
Organ: Thyroid
Color: Blue
Element: Sound
Tone: D
Affirm: I speak
The throat chakra is aligned to the color blue. It controls the speed at which we do all things. And it resonates with our personal and unique self-expression, our unique creativity, confidence, inhibition, fearlessness and the ability to orally express thoughts.
When in balance the throat chakra instills a sense of secure in who we are and fearlessness in showing up. We use the power of the spoken word to manifest what we want. We speak inner truths that are Universal.
An imbalanced throat chakra creates feelings of diminishment, less than, not important, not feeling worthy, fear, insecurity, lying, cruelty, gossip, explosive out bursts, anger. Physically, this leads to neck pain, thyroid disease, dental issues, digestive and eating disorders, tonsillitis, laryngitis and TMJ.
Consuming raw and cooked foods that are blue, whether the flesh, pulp or skin can support you in reclaiming your right to self-expression. Blue colored foods can also create a sense of security and accomplishment.
One of the reasons why we crave certain foods and or always choose the bluest berry or plum because instinctively, we are wanting to restore security and accomplishment.
You may have found yourself craving and eating blueberries, or wanting to have blue cheese with every meal. Well, your subconscious self was doing what it does best. It put your conscious self on notice that you need to eat certain colored foods to support the healing and balancing of your mind and body.

List of blue colored foods
- Blue Berries
- Corn
- Plums
- Grapes
- Crab
- Blue fish
- Potatoes
- Pea flower
The power of this color invokes the energy of communication. This chakra and the color blue resonate with the words “I speak.” In order for you to be able to manifest anything in your life, both good or bad, you must be able to speak it at a soul level.
The next in line is violet
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