Base chakra: grounding
Shape: Square
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Tone: G
Affirm: I AM
The Root chakra, a.k.a Muladhara in sanskrit, is the first of the seven major chakras that run along the spine. It is located at the end of the tail bone or coccyx. It is the foundation upon which our lives are built. It governs our physical survival ensuring that the necessities to sustain a healthy mind and body are met. Food, water, shelter, sleep, protection etc. The base or root chakra keeps us grounded and promotes a positive connection to self, others and the environment we live in. When imbalance, the root chakra supports us in being fearless in creating the life that we want to live. It creates the stability for us to move forward and or a safe place and space for us to regroup. It is aligned with your legs; feet, arms and hands and it is connected to the adrenal glands. They produce adrenaline, which is the burst of chemical energy provided by the body, so we can make a choice to stand and fight or run.
The base chakra is aligned with the color red. This can be from the palest red to the deepest red that looks black. When the base chakra is imbalanced, we feel paranoid, paralyzed, out of control, disconnected, afraid, we lack clarity, trust, honesty and much needed sleep. We also lack the ability to be rational in thoughts and choices. In short, all areas of our lives feel like chaos.
Consuming raw and cooked foods that are red, whether the flesh, pulp or skin can support you in reclaiming your stability. Red colored foods can also create a sense of calmness.One of the reasons why we crave certain foods and or always choose the reddest strawberry or apple, is because instinctively we are wanting to restore stability and balance.
You may have found yourself craving and eating cherries, red meat, or drinking copious amounts of fermented red grape juice or wanting to have tomatoes with every meal. Well, your subconscious self was doing what it does best. It put your conscious self on notice that you need to eat certain colored foods to support the healing and balancing of your mind and body.

List of red colored foods
- Tomatoes
- onions
- apples
- cherries
- Strawberries
- Rice
- Pepper
- Potatoes
- Plums
- Grapes
- Wheat berries
- Quinoa
The power of red invokes the energy of being. This chakra and the color red resonate with the words “I AM.” In order for you to be able to manifest anything in your life, both good or bad, you must be able to claim it at a soul level.
The next chakra in line is the color orange
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