Everything that we eat and drink, including water has an identifiable color, in addition to aroma, feel, taste and sound. Food is color coded and if you follow the code it will support you in maintaining excellent health and well-being. The color coding is in no way aberrant. In fact, it has been created by design to supply you with what is needed to live a balanced and healthy life. It works with our chakra system.
When eating from the plant kingdom, many of the colors are obvious. Kale is green, limes are green, oranges are orange etc. Then the scope gets a little bigger. We’ll stick with oranges. In some tropical countries you’ll find oranges that have a green skin, but yellow inside, they are called bitter oranges. The taste is unique, it’s a cross between an orange and lime. Then there are oranges with red skins and red flesh that are bittersweet in taste.
Bananas come in a variety of colors too red, yellow, green and blue. Yup! Blue. And then within the colors they have different shades of red, yellow, green and blue. Each banana tastes different and some must be cooked prior to eating.

Blue Banana
The point I want to illustrate is that the food is identified by color, but also species/family group and variety. If you saw a blue banana, you would be able to identify it as such. The question would then be, whether you wanted to eat it or not?
Which brings me to another important point, food is also cultural, regional and traditional. No matter what continent you live on, you will have access to the same color codes found in food. Blue bananas instead of blue berries. Golden beets instead of oranges. White strawberries instead of red.
When eating from the animal and seafood kingdom, colors may not be as obvious, but they are still color coded. Color carries a vibration that permeates all things and the body processes these colors through the chakra system. Let’s take a brief look at seafood and the unique way of color coding. Yellow or blue fin tuna. The color code that each represents is yellow and blue. When ingested this would be the color vibration that your body assimilates. Rainbow trout will represent the prominent color on the trout skin. The same is true of livestock. Cows, pigs, lambs, goats and poultry, each can be identified by color and variety.
Within our own cultural, regional and traditional norms, we all have foods that fall into our favorite category. They are staples when eating. Then there are the foods that we just don’t like. It’s not that it will kill us if we eat it. It’s just that, we don’t care for it. For me that’s meat and poultry. And then there are foods that we don’t eat. For me that is okra! Not happening. Don’t try to disguise it or hide it. IT IS NOT HAPPENING!
Through our chakras system the body is hard wired to inform us when there is a need that must be addressed. Food cravings impart this important information. They reflect an immediate nutritional deficiency within the body that must be corrected NOW!
I’m not speaking here of food addictions like sugar, chocolate, ice-cream etc. I’m speaking about out of the blue, you start a serious craving for steak, egg yolks, spinach, beets, carrots, cabbage, chicken, tuna, yams etc. There is something within that food that your body requires to bring it back into balance, alignment and or homeostasis. Eating a wide variety of foods with different colors support the mind and body in staying health.
Red foods increase vitality they are rich in minerals and usually a good source of protein. They encourage stability and a strong foundation upon which to build your life. It strengthens the resolve to work through whatever obstacles are in your way.
Orange foods help to release toxins for the body and support the reproductive system and creativity. They encourage self-exploration and productivity.
Yellow foods help boost the immune system and process the world around us. Yellow foods support learning, concentration and decision making. They also aid in digestion of both food and thoughts. They boost courage and increase focus and intellect. Yellow foods are instrumental in the choice making process.
Green foods are rich in vitamin and minerals and help establish balance within the body particularly the liver where vitamins and minerals are stored. They encourage balance, compassion for self and others and promote finding a way.
Blue foods boost communication skills encourage authentic expression and the ability to communicate effectively. They also support and boost the thyroid gland and areas within the mind and body that thyroid influences.
Violet foods have a wonderful beneficial effect on the intuitive faculty of the mind and the ability to see with clarity. They encourage the ability to see things as they really are and create within your mind’s eye. Foods rich in this color can support effective use of your intuition
Magenta foods have a wonderful beneficial effect of the brain, nervous system, mind and the workings of the mind. They encourage a deep feeling of being connected to the Divine. It opens you up to be inspired and creates profound emotional balancing and healing.
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