Do You Sanitize Your Wooden Cooking Spoons

Hi Guy’s, Today I read a blog on allrecipes (I’ll leave the link below) about sanitizing or deep cleaning wooden cooking spoons.

I realize cooking utensils are as personal as the type of kitchen knives that you like to use, or the serving dishes, plates, drinking glasses, coffee cups, cutlery etc. But, in full disclosure, Wendy Dearborne, that’s yours truly, isn’t feeling, and has never felt, the whole wooden spoon cooking, wooden spoon eating, or even the wooden bowl thing. That whole scenario, it just doesn’t work for me.

I was raised on both wooden and stainless steel cooking spoons with wooden handles. One of my sisters is a die hard wooden spoon cook…not me! And in all fairness, if I had to choose a wooden anything, bamboo would be my first and only choice. Umm, and I’m not even sure if bamboo is considered to be wood?

For sanitizing our wooden cooking spoons, after the normal wash with soap and water, we would pour a kettle full of boiling water over the spoon, and then rub it with fresh lemon or lime rind. The rind is where the essential oils, that have anti bacteria properties live. We would allow that to sit for a while, and then we’d rinse it in cool water, dry it and it would be ready to use, right up until the next time it required sanitizing.

What say you? How do you sanitize your wooden spoons, and bowls etc.?

Here is the link to the allrecipe blog.
