
And so, the journey into Food Beyond It’s Nutrition and choices began, Easter 1981 with a serious diagnosis and the crystal-clear sound of a death knell. And that bell tolled loudly for me.  It was just for me created by me.  I knew I was in serious trouble, when my body didn’t respond to mental or audible commands. I have a deep and abiding compassion, and empathy for people who suffer from ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, a stroke or a neurological disorder that impact signals to the motor nerves.   

There are no adequate words to describe what it feels like to be trapped inside your own body. In the spring of 1981 that’s exactly where I was. Trapped inside my own body fighting a disease called sarcoidosis. A disease, that triggered a near death experience (NDE).  Imagine telling yourself to walk, run, speak, cry, chew or swallow and your body snidely replies, “hey, good luck with that.  And let me know how that works out for you…if you can!”  Wow! 

I actually wondered what if there was a fire in the house and I was alone?  No one to help me get out.  Would I experience one of those miraculous interventions, where I was able to get up with lightening speed and run down a flight of stairs, kick the doors open and jog to safety?  Or would I become a crispy critter, literally found, petrified and mummified on the landing at the top of the stairs?  This was a reality for me.

Having a NDE has the ability to alter your outlook on life. I know it did for me. One of the biggest gifts dying gave me, was the knowledge and understanding that “my” life is all about the choices I make. Both consciously or unconsciously.   And, that any and all healing is an inside job, with an external manifestation.  You may ask, what has all of this to do with food!  Get ready to be amazed!

This event took place 40 years ago.  Much has happened and changed in between now and then. But the understanding that our thoughts create tangible things, and that the food we eat actually supports and magnifies those thoughts, have remained the same.

While food can heal, it can only really heal you if that is the belief you hold when consuming it.  Food is one of the pathways we walk that amplifies and supports our choices. Food really does go beyond the nutritional value that we have been taught. 

Think about the food that you choose to eat, what does it look like to have a healing and restorative relationship with food?
Checkout this post on Food Beyond Its Nutrition

690 Days Later

Yesterday: 690 Days Later

Our, that’s mine and my husband Dee’s whole food, plant based, pescetarian journey didn’t begin exactly yesterday. In fact, it started 690 days ago. We had gone to a resort casino a couple of hours away from where we live. This is something I like to do on my birthday. We’ll go to a stush restaurant and have a stush dinner with a decadent and oh soooo delicious stush dessert. We gamble, go to the movies and generally just hangout.