The heart chakra, a.k.a Anahata in sanskrit, is the fourth of the seven major chakras that run along the spine. The heart chakra plays a special role within this energy system, it is the bridge between the physical and the spiritual.
The seven main chakras are divided into two groups:
- The lower chakras the root, sacral, and solar plexus, which are aligned with the physical aspects of life.
- The higher chakras the throat, third eye, and crown, which are aligned with the intuitive, emotional and spiritual aspects of life.
The heart chakra is aligned primarily with the color green and sometimes illustrated with a pink center. Located by the heart and governs the circulatory or respiratory systems. The energy from the heart chakra also governs how we choose to relate to everything in our world. It governs the relationship we have with self and others. The depth of our capacity to love, forgive self and others, feel truly grateful and the ability to give with a giving all flow from the heart chakra. relate to each other and even to ourselves.
- Heart chakra: compassion
- Organ: Heart
- Color: Green & Pink
- Element: Air
- Tone: C
- Affirm: I love
When balanced, it allows us to connect with self at a deep level and develop a meaningful relationship with self. It allows us to do the same with other people places and things. The heart chakra establishes compassion and balance with all things and in all areas of our lives.
An imbalanced heart chakra manifests as difficult in maintaining good relationships with all things. This includes people, places and objects. It’s important to remember that you are in a relationship with everything in your life, from the food you eat, to the car you drive, to the house and area you live in, to the people you love. A relationship is about how you relate to and interact something within your life.
An imbalance can show itself as codependence, anger, manipulative, vindictive, fearful, withdrawn, antisocial, uncompassionate, greedy, self-absorbed, controlling and the list goes on. An imbalance in this chakra can manifest physically as circulatory or respiratory diseases and disorders.
Consuming raw and cooked foods that are green in color, whether the flesh, pulp or skin can support you in reclaiming your compassion and balance. Green colored foods can also create a sense of serenity within. So within, so it will manifest outside of self.
One of the reasons why we crave certain foods and or always choose the greenest apple or most vibrant lettuce leaf is because instinctively, we are wanting to restore serenity, compassion and balance in our lives.
You may have found yourself craving and eating kiwi, spinach, or wanting to have green beans with every meal. Well, your subconscious self was doing what it does best. It put your conscious self on notice that you need to eat certain colored foods to support the healing and balancing of your mind and body.

List of green color foods
- Greens
- Spinach
- Kale
- Zucchini
- Avocado
- Cucumber
- Limes
- Honey dew
The power of this color invokes the energy of love. This chakra and the color green resonate with the words “I love.” In order for you to be able to manifest anything in your life, both good or bad, you must be able to love it at a soul level.
The next color in line is blue
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